MobileBench is a benchmark suite comprising a selection of representative smart phone applications. This set of applications can be used to explore key micro-architectural features of mobile computing platforms. The applications and contents have been selected to represent common user activities like browsing, viewing images and video playback. You can read our IISWC 2013 paper “Performance, Energy Characterizations and Architectural Implications of an Emerging Mobile Platform Benchmark Suite — MobileBench” here [1].


The MobileBench project at Arizona State University and the MobileBench Consortium are not related in any way. If you are looking for the MobileBench Consortium, please visit



General Web Browsing (GWB) or BBench [2] is an offline, automated benchmark to assess the performance of a web browser when rendering a collection of popular websites on the web.

Realistic General Web Browsing (R-GWB) builds on Bbench to offer a more realistic browsing behavior by adding scroll-up, horizontal scroll and random delays while scrolling. 

Education Web Browsing (EWB) models document reading, which is a significant portion of educational web browsing.

Photo Viewing and Video Playback represent the class of applications that involve high definition multimedia consumption.

The Android-based sample workloads can be found in the Downloads page.


[1] D. Pandiyan, S.-Y. Lee, and C.-J. Wu. Performance, Energy Characterizations and Architectural Implications of an Emerging Mobile Platform Benchmark Suite — MobileBench. In Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE  International Symposium on Workload Characterization.

[2] A. Guitierrez, R.G. Dreslinksi, T.F. Wenisch, T. Mudge, A. Saidi, C. Emmons, and N. Paver. Full System Analysis and Characterization of Interactive Smartphone Applications. In Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE  International Symposium on Workload Characterization.